Happy Feet in Borneo

Of all the wonderful treats which I can enjoy (and afford!) while living in Kuching, my favourite is without a doubt a visit to Paradise; Paradise Wellness Centre that is, where I like to check-in for a one and half hour of Chinese reflexology with masseuse no.12 aka Siaw Hu Hu.

                                                            No.12 aka Siaw Hu Hu

Upon arrival I am immediately directed to a huge super comfy armchair, one of a row of eight separated by see-through curtains. Somehow, the alcove feels private; the decor, a small hanging lantern and a picture on the wall I am facing, is very pleasant and the room is squeaky clean. Siaw Hu Hu brings a basin filled with hot water and salts. As I slowly sink my feet into the water, she instructs me to turn around and to seat on the velvety foot-rest. I am in for reflexology with a plus: pressure massage and stretching of the neck, the shoulders, the arms all the way down to the finger tips, and the back all the way down. She’s pushing, kneading, pulling, rubbing, and twisting... while I have surrendered to her expertise.

I’m now back on the oversized recliner and she grabs my feet out of the basin, pats them dry then keeps the right one wrapped up in a towel. Some people like to watch TV (there’s one for every seat), some like to drink tea or even order and down a plate of noodles; I like to spend the remaining hour in silence, eyes closed, mind focused on what’s happening to my feet and legs and unashamedly delighting in being pampered. When I leave Paradise, it’s on happy feet.

You do not have a no.12 reflexologist near-by? There’s still the D.I.Y method. Reflexology charts are available on the internet to help you locate the different reflex areas you may need to pay attention to. If it’s sore, it needs care; feet never lie and reflexologists can give you accurate diagnosis on your health. You are not flexible enough to reach and massage your feet? Check out the hands reflexology chart. I have my own charts and I massage my feet regularly but right now, I’m off to Paradise and surrender into the capable hands of no. 12 aka Siaw Hu Hu.


Paradise Wellness Centre
 1st floor, Stutong Parade,
(Opposite Kuching Specialists Hospital)                                                                             
 Jalan Setia Raja, Kuching 93350
Tel: 082 368118                                                                         


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