Some days are just not our usual "run of the mill"days Instead they seem to be controlled by a mysterious power intent on following an agenda of its own. Those days have the particularity to signal their difference as soon as we, innocent human get out of bed. You may, for instance, unavoidably hit a corner for every piece of furniture in the house; or find that door handles are determined to catch your sleeve, all for no apparent reason. In my case, it also happens to be the time when most ordinary objects I reach for will rather attempt defying gravity and risk shattering to pieces upon landing on the floor rather than letting me grab them. Go and figure? I call those "serial days" and today has been one of them with a particular theme: it has been an "insects day". It all started this morning (it always does). As I was walking through our car porch I almost stepped over a huge rhinoceros that had crawled in there to end its insect life (what d...