Stick Insect
The insect world will never cease to amaze me; merely observing those surprising creatures is an adventure in itself that does not even require me to leave my garden and often not even my house! 
Only this morning, as I was getting organised to spend some time on my lap top while seating on the terrace, I started moving one of the rattan armchairs to position it under the cooling draft of the ceiling fan.     

I am far from being the only one to enjoy the comfort of the semi-outdoors and I am not just thinking of my family and friends here: I often find tree frogs under the cushions (I guess they feel more comfy than they would on a branch) and more often than not one or two of the unavoidable abominable Cicaks*. There are also elusive night-birds that enjoy perching on the back of the chairs and leave droppings behind them, so I know they were there.                                                                              
For all these un-invited visitors, I like to cover the cushions with sarongs printed with Sarawak tribal designs which stand out white against a beautiful palette of greens.                                                        Those shades of green keep reminding me of the trees that line our river bank and keep watch over our home from the hills around us. Clearer patches of batik ink also seem to mirror grass blades. Somehow that vivid green also reminds me of the cheerfulness of the new padi in the near-by fields. 
I quickly find out that I am not alone in my thinking; my Sarawak sarongs seem to have admirers in the family of winged insects that I keep finding, although they are masters of camouflage, amongst the batik designs. Nature is amazing!


* Lizzard


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